sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

Modelo de Tony Bates para escolha de tecnologia educacional

Um vídeo que expõe o famoso modelo ACTIONS, proposto por Tony Bates, para escolha de tecnologias em contextos educacionais. Bates é um dos nomes mais respeitados no mundo quando o assunto é tecnologia educacional.

For selecting educational media technology
Tony Bates


· How accessible is a particular technology for learners?

· How flexible is it for a particular target group?


· What is the cost structure of each technology?

· What is the unit cost per student?

· What are the opportunity costs vs. other technology choices?

Teaching and Learning

· What kinds of learning are needed?
· What instructional approaches will best meet these needs?
· What are the best technologies for supporting teaching and learning in this environment?
· Can the content be adapted to the technology?
· What skills does the technology develop?

Interactivity and User-friendliness

· What kind of interaction does this technology enable? (synchronous or asychronous)
· How easy is it to use and learn?

Organizational Issues

· What are the organizational and Institutional requirements to provide stability and support?
· What are the barriers to using this technology successfully within the institution?
· What changes need to be made within the organization to incorporate the technology?


· How new is the technology?
· What are its technical capabilities?


· How quickly can courses be created and distributed with this technology?
· How quickly can materials be changed?

2 comentários:

  1. Oi Eri!
    Fiz uma busca sobre esse modelo e cheguei aqui, no seu blog. Legal!

  2. Oi Jo,
    Veja no material da disciplina da Vani que tem mais coisas sobre avaliação de mídias.
